Hostel Guidlines
Hostel facility is permitted on annual basis to female students (only admitted for regular programs for regular academic session).
All rights of permission to avail the hostel facility are reserved with the Institute and can be denied to any student. No student shall be entitled to claim this facility as a matter of right.
Hostel facility will be offered on First Come First Serve basis, with the provision for reservation for special category of student(s) such as those admitted for residential program or from the distant places or as decided by the Institute.
The location of the hostels, floor and room pattern are subject to change from time to time.
Hostel facility will be provided till the end of the regular academic session including regular exams. For availing hostel facility after the end of academic session for any purpose like re-appear examination/make up examination etc., compensation duties for leave, additional proportionate hostel fee will have to be paid by the student, subject to the availability and permission of hostel facility.
Hostel fee as mentioned in the fee schedule is for the current academic session and it is subject to change for successive years.
Hostel fee as mentioned in the fee schedule includes the fee for accommodation; electricity charges for light load as decided by the Institute. For extra requirement, electricity will be charged on actual basis i.e. in addition to light load.